Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's been a while

Okay, I feel bad. It's been quite a while since I've posted a blog. I was going back and forth debating what was the best method of sharing news and updates with the public on our dogs. I thought that a webpage specifically for news on our website would be the answer. I have found that I hardly update the thing! Maybe the blog style method really is the best thing. For now, I will keep updating it and see if it works better. If so, we'll keep this permanently. Our website pages are always updated with the most up to date information anyways, so this is just for additional photos, etc. :)

I'm trying to think where we last left off. There has been so much! I guess I will just share random tidbits over the next few weeks and try to play catch up.

For now, here's Penny's new Champion win photo! She finished her championship earlier this month by taking WB for a 5 point major at the Utah Beehive circuit. We were so elated!

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